Thursday, October 19, 2006

Ancient Healing

Yesterday I encountered the strangest thing I have ever experienced.

On the recommendation of my mother in law I made an appointment with a travelling medicine man who was coming through the my village for a couple of days. A few days ago I sent up my smoke signal to let them know I wanted an appointment and in return my village received a snowstorm. I took that as a confirmation.

I made my way to the Travel Inn, a small, never-heard-of hotel on the outskirts of my village where the medicine man would be performing his ritual healings. I wasn't so sure about these guys, but I figured nothing else was working to heal my ITP so why not try this.

As I waited outside his healing chambers I chatted with another local from my village I had never met. He told me how the doctors weren't able to heal his back or figure out what was wrong. He had been to the chiropractors and had x-rays and nothing had worked. He then went to this medicine man and after doing his ritual chanting and feeling he told the guy his hip was out of place. They put it back into place and this guy said he never felt better. I was feeling reassured.

The medicine man must have been having some trouble with finding enough goats blood and chicken claws for his healing rituals because I had to wait over an hour before I finally got in to see him. The medicine man's apprentice had talked to me outside the healing chambers and explained to me how the medicine man was going to look at my eyes, my ears, my tongue, my teeth and then touch the different organs in my body. At the end he would then tell me what was wrong and how much goats blood to drink to fix it. When he showed me the diagram of the body and where he was going to be touching me, I couldn't help but notice the guy was naked. Oh well, I figured, he's a doctor.

I was finally called into the healing chambers and I stood before the medicine man. He said "Let's begin the testing" and so I stripped off my clothes just like in the diagram outside. As I stood there naked I suddenly realized there was also a medicine woman in the room. The medicine man quickly informed me that with his healing powers I didn't need to take off my clothes. Oh, I thought, that would have been useful information TWO MINUTES AGO!!!

As I then stood there with my clothes and jacket on he walked up to me and shined a flashlight on my right ear. "You're going deaf in that ear". WHAT I can you tell that by looking at it. He then took a picture and showed me a curve in my ear which means I'm going deaf. He then touched me and did a little ritual counting and told me I had 80% hearing in my right ear and 93% hearing in my left ear. Then he had me open my mouth and look at my tongue. "Your tongue is twisted which means your hip is out." He then had me lift up my tongue. "Your lungs are swollen." He snapped another picture and showed me two bumps under my tongue that meant I had swollen lungs. I just stood there stunned at all the information he was throwing at me and I could barely understand it.

Then he moved on to the touching. He said we have energy in our bodies and by touching the spot where an organ is he can tell how well it's working. This part went so fast I have no idea what happend. He touched me all over my chest area (apparently where the different organs are) and did some ritual chanting I didn't understand. All the while yelling out numbers to the medicine woman who was writing it down.

Then it was over. I didn't even know if I had been analyzed yet...I still had my jacket on. In the hospital it seems like no one can analyze anything unless you are wearing a hospital gown with your butt showing! He then looked at me and said "What's wrong with your blood? You have a bad infection in your blood." Now, I hadn't told this guy anything ahead of time. He didn't know me from his neighbours goat and had not been told of my condition. I told him I had ITP and explained it. He then nodded and said that made sense. He said he thought I was going to think he was crazy when he told me about the blood infection because it was so bad, but now it all makes sense. (I could have thought of a hundred other ways I thought he was crazy too!) I couldn't believe it.

As the healing session ended he told me what medicine I would need to take to get better. He suggested taking two leaves from a rare plant in the mountains of BC, crushing them and then mixing them in a drink. Or he said I could just buy the pre-made pills with the leaves already in them as the plant is often tough to find in the mountains. He called the special herbs Red Clover and Natures Way. He said to take those and I would feel a whole lot better by the time he comes again. He even said he will be able to tell how often I took the herbs when he tests me next time. I then paid him in his preferred method of a neutered goat and 2 declawed 3 month old chickens and my bill was settled.

I tried to ask him a few more questions but suddenly he waved his cloak around himself and in a puff of smoke I was outside the hotel and standing by my car. As I drove away back to my village I decided to chat with the Specialist about these herbs and see what he thought.

What do you think? Should I try it?


Anonymous said...

Can't hurt to try. My Uncle went to (what my cousins call a quack) a Naturopath, and my Uncle says now he feels 10 times better. I guess it could work for you, who knows? BJK

Anonymous said...

You are so creative!!!! Very well written piece!!! John and I think you should go for it. John had a good experience with the Naturopath doctor and it helped him a lot. And taking a couple herbs isn't as dramatic as removing a whole organ from your body - which you've already had done. Try it and see what happens! --- You make us smile and laugh a lot!