Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Oblivious to Fame - Fact or Fiction

Growing up during my high school years in Caronport I worked in the cafeteria in the summertime during different sport camps to earn a little money. It was a great job, especially being the beverage guy. All I had to do was ensure that the beverages were always full. This meant replacing the milk, chocolate milk, waters, making more juice, ensuring the coffee was full, etc. It was a great, coveted job and I loved it.

One morning I was working the breakfast shift as the beverage guy during a hockey camp for young boys. All the boys had gone through the breakfast line and had kept me hopping on my toes as I constantly refilled the chocolate milk (most of the boys took full advantage of drinking as much chocolate milk and pop as they could during this week since their parents weren't there to stop them) and other beverages that these kids constantly drained. As the last couple kids left the cafeteria I decided it was finally time to eat my own breakfast. So I grabbed some french toast, bacon and chocolate milk (yeah, I was still a kid at heart!) and sat down for a good breakfast.

As I sat there eating an older man (I thought he was old since I was only about 15) came in, got his breakfast and came and sat down beside me. I didn't think much of it even though there were about 500 other empty spots for this guy to sit in. But whatever, he was being nice and probably figured he didn't want to eat alone. So we ate and chatted a bit, but being a young high school kid I didn't really have that much to say. The only strange thing I noticed was that I kept feeling that there were people watching me as I talked to this guy. I quickly glanced over my shoulder toward the dishpit entrance and saw a bunch of my friends peaking out the door at us. I didn't think much of it and figured they must just be slacking off.

As I finished my breakfast I said goodbye to this guy and said I had to get back to work. As I brought my dishes into the dishpit my friends were acting excited. Once they realized that I wasn't all that excited, they asked me if I had any idea who I had been eating breakfast with. Having no idea I considered lying so I wouldn't look stupid, however not only would that go against being a Christian I honestly had no idea who he was. They then informed me that I had been eating breakfast with a professional hocky player...Bob Bassen of the St Louis Blues. As I finished cleaning up the beverage counter I pondered this rare meeting and felt special that I had the chance to eat breakfast with a professional hockey player. However, I think this meeting would have had much more impact on someone who actually really enjoyed hockey as I was obviously oblivious to how great this breakfast meeting really was! (I would have preferred David Beckham!)

So...fact or fiction...you decide and let me know in the comments section.

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