Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Long Day in Winnipeg

The trip to Winnipeg was great with only a few little mishaps. Apparently I don't always function so well really early in the morning. With a 7:00am flight I was up at 4:30am and at the airport by 6:00am. I've flown WestJet before and made my way to the gate to await our departure. As I watched the news I saw people get up to board an Air Canada flight to Toronto. Then I was reading the Star Phoenix and glanced up to see my WestJet pilot and flight attendants at the desk getting things ready for our flight. Then a bit later I started to look around and noticed that there weren't a lot of people near me. I figured that was odd since I highly doubted I was the only one getting on my plane. I glanced at my watch and saw it was 6:45am. I got up and walked to the WestJet desk and looked at the flight info...CALGARY!!! Oh Oh! I was at the wrong gate. Luckily Saskatoon airport is pretty small and after walking about 20 steps I was at the right gate and everyone was already boarding. That would have been a bad start to the day if I had missed the flight.

Once in Winnipeg I had a lot of time to kill since my meeting wasn't until 2:00pm. I sat around the airport trying to get my internet to work and then took a taxi to a modelling agency we sometimes hire from. The head manager wasn't in, but I chatted with a girl who has worked a lot of our Frank's promos for us in Winnipeg. I learned a bit about the modelling industry, etc. Then it was off to the University of Manitoba to chat with their Employment Services to post our job for upcoming promotions. After that I took a taxi to Polo Park and had some Chinese for lunch while I prepared for my meeting.

Then I had a brilliant yet stupid idea. I figured I'd walk to the Tijuana Yacht Club from Polo Park since it wasn't far and I had done it many times before. As I wandered outside and began to walk I noticed it was rather cold out. Then I noticed that the snow was actually blowing right in my face and there was a lot of wind. Then my body told me I wasn't wearing a toque and my head was getting cold. Then my feet told me that my shoes weren't as water proof as I thought and my socks and feet were now soaked as I walked through the slushly snow on the ground. By this time I was half way there and calling a taxi was pointless. I arrived at the hotel next to the venue looking like a drowned rat and went to the bathroom to "freshen up".

At 2:00pm I noticed that I was the only one there for the meeting. I talked to the front desk and they called the manager. I think they woke him up because he told me the meeting wasn't until 3:00pm. So I went to a restaurant in the hotel until he came down about 2:30pm. We chatted for another hour before the other 2 people showed up. The meeting went great until I got separated from the group.

I had left my laptop and jacket in another part of the bar and so when everyone left I told them I'd catch up. I grabbed my jacket and bag and followed through the door they had gone. However, the next door I tried was locked. So I went to this other one...locked. I went to this other one...locked. I went back to the bar door...locked. Hmmm....I was literally locked into this little holding area since I didnt' have a key or know the pin to unlock any doors. The only door I could get out was onto the patio where I could see the blowing snow. If I went out that door and couldn't get off the patio as the gate might be locked, I would be stuck outside. So I knocked (pounded) on a few doors to no avail. Then I heard someone calling my name....they had come back for me. I ran back to the bar door but they couldn't hear or see me and they left again. I was still trapped. Finally I figured it was do or die. I went onto the patio, quickly grabbed a chair and propped open the door. Then I rushed to the end of the patio slipping and sliding, grabbed the gate and found that it was open. So I rushed back to door, closed it, ran off the patio and back through the front doors of the hotel again...and there they all were wondering where I had gone!

Our Frank's rep offered to give me and our other client from Toronto a ride. We dropped her off first which was at the Radisson downtown. The only thing was that it took us over an hour to get there!! She didn't seem concerned with the slow traffic since she is from Toronto, but the Frank's rep and I couldn't believe it and are not used to that. It was a good thing my flight didn't leave until 8:00pm because I only go to the airport at around 6:45pm or so.

The flight home was uneventful and I walked into the airport and into the loving arms of my wife. What a day!!!

Monday, October 30, 2006

Quick Trip

Just heading out to Winnipeg for the day. Flight leaves at 7:00am. Meet with the client to plan the big Grey Cup party. Then fly back home at 8:00pm tonight. Looks like I'll also be going to Winnipeg for the Grey Cup weekend too...probably not to the game itself but I'll be there for the event.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

10 Steps to Guarantee Failure

For those who know me you know that I plan to be rich...one day. Today I found this list via John Campea's blog. I think I need to re-evaluate how I look at that goal and maybe change a few things in order to accomplish it.

Here are the ten steps to guarantee failure:

1. Make your goals vague
When setting your goals, use adjectives such as “more” and “some.” Goals like “I want to make more money” or “I want to lose some weight” virtually guarantee your progress will be minimal. Be as wishy-washy as possible. And while you’re at it, you might want to set a goal of getting a job doing something.

2. Make your goals difficult to visualize
A good way to do this is to keep changing your mind on the details of your goal. If you are thinking a goal such as: “I want to own a red, blue or yellow Corvette or just a Mustang”, then you are definately on the right track. If you kept that goal planted firmly in your mind, you are virtually guaranteed you’ll never go above a used Hyundai.

3. Think and speak negatively about your goals
Try using words like “I can’t” and “It’s too hard”. Goals such as “I can’t get a promotion, It’s too hard to take on more responsibility” will certainly keep you at the bottom of the food chain. If you can put it in writing or work up enough courage to tell your boss directly, he or she will almost definately avoid promoting you from that point on. Who knows, you might get lucky and get fired! It’s worth a shot anyway.

4. Avoid planning incremental steps
It’s likely that if you have made it this far you are already following this rule already! Take a goal - even a specific goal like “I will double my income by this time next year”. Then simply leave it as-is. Don’t write down any tasks or steps you’ll need to complete in order to achieve it. Just consider the goal a wish and nothing more. Creating a step-by-step plan will only confuse matters because it’s all too easy to take action on simple steps. Action in the direction of your goal would lead to success and you definately don’t want that.

5. Don’t Do - Talk
Because talk is easier than action, this step one of the easiest steps for you to take. Try to fill up as much of your day with socializing as possible. Talk about all the things you will do someday or that you were gonna do. Just make sure you don’t mess it up by doing anything productive. Action is your enemy. Embrace your excuses!

6. Wait until you are motivated
Let’s face it, it’s much too difficult to go jogging or open a mutual fund account when you simply don’t feel like it. So just wait. Waiting gives you the peace of mind that someday, you might do something. But not yet, the timing isn’t right and you aren’t motivated anyway.

7. Don’t set a date
Setting a date when you expect to achieve your goal is too much pressure. Who needs it? Definately not you if you want to avoid progress. You know that goals with dates get done, so by not setting a date you avoid making a commitment. You can keep putting off stuff. Even though people may ask “When are you ever going to get around to reaching your target?”, you have a wild card. By not having a date, you can put off actually doing anything.

8. List why it’s impossible
Now we are getting into the mental game of failing. This is quite possibly your greatest weapon against achievement because it destroys hope and optimism. So as soon as possible, set aside some time to create a long list of how impossible your goal really is. No matter what your target is, I am sure you can come up with plenty of reasons why it’s impossible. Be creative, make up some if you have to (i.e. “It’s impossible for me to lose weight because I was kidnapped by space aliens and injected with a fat-serum.”) Bonus: You get extra points if you can come up with an excuse using UFOs, ghosts or the Bermuda Triangle.

9. Don’t research your goal
You’re the kind of guy or gal who likes to “wing it.” Reading about how others have succeeded achieving a goal similar to you is just a waste of time. Instead of standing on their shoulders, they should be standing on yours! Sure, they might have overcome unbelievable odds to get from homelessness to CEO or 450lbs to a 180lbs - but they were probably just “lucky” anyway. Don’t read anything that promises to help you get to your destination.

10. Think of anything except your goal
Here’s another mental strategy that will put you on the fast track to failure. Think of anything except for your goal. Why visualize success when there’s plenty of clouds, teddy bears, and TV reruns to think about? And while you’re at it, take action on these flights of fancy instead of your goal. I know what you’re thinking…you’re thinking “I wonder if there are any green teddy bears out there?” Now you’re getting it! Focusing on your goal for long periods of time can be difficult and challenging. Thinking about unicorns is easy and fun. Take the easy path, that’s the only way you can fail in record time.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I'm About to Get Dumber

There are a lot of people out there who used to be smart and then for some reason decided they didn't want to be anymore and gave up their smarts to become dumber. Maybe not completely dumb, but if someone would give you a book filled with wisdom and then you just decided to give that book away, I would think you would be dumber as you no longer had all that wisdom.

Well, I don't have a book like that (except the Bible which I'm not giving away) but I am going to join the ranks of the dumber come Oct 26th. Yep, I am having my wisdom teeth out.

It's been a few years coming and I booked this appointment over a year ago...I think it was last September. The thing was that when I booked it they told me it was going to cost a lot of money as I have to have them surgically removed. Probably between $800 - $1000. They asked me if I had insurance to cover it and I said no, because I had just lost my job at that time. But I figured a year is a long ways away and I'm sure I would find a way to pay for it by then. And, sure enough, 1 year later and I still don't have any insurance or benefits. Oh well, who needs an extra $800 - $1000. Once I'm rich that will be chump change. Just kidding (not on the being rich part, that part will be true), I sort of have insurance. Well, I don't, but my lovely wife does and her benefits will cover the whole thing 100%. So that is awesome.

I'm sure I'll be dying to write a story about it after since they are knocking me out completely and then I'm not allowed to drive for at least 24 hours. So stay tuned for a story later in the week (or weekend). Until then, I need to spend the next few days writing out all the wisdom I have so I don't completely lose it when they take out my wisdom teeth!!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Ancient Healing

Yesterday I encountered the strangest thing I have ever experienced.

On the recommendation of my mother in law I made an appointment with a travelling medicine man who was coming through the my village for a couple of days. A few days ago I sent up my smoke signal to let them know I wanted an appointment and in return my village received a snowstorm. I took that as a confirmation.

I made my way to the Travel Inn, a small, never-heard-of hotel on the outskirts of my village where the medicine man would be performing his ritual healings. I wasn't so sure about these guys, but I figured nothing else was working to heal my ITP so why not try this.

As I waited outside his healing chambers I chatted with another local from my village I had never met. He told me how the doctors weren't able to heal his back or figure out what was wrong. He had been to the chiropractors and had x-rays and nothing had worked. He then went to this medicine man and after doing his ritual chanting and feeling he told the guy his hip was out of place. They put it back into place and this guy said he never felt better. I was feeling reassured.

The medicine man must have been having some trouble with finding enough goats blood and chicken claws for his healing rituals because I had to wait over an hour before I finally got in to see him. The medicine man's apprentice had talked to me outside the healing chambers and explained to me how the medicine man was going to look at my eyes, my ears, my tongue, my teeth and then touch the different organs in my body. At the end he would then tell me what was wrong and how much goats blood to drink to fix it. When he showed me the diagram of the body and where he was going to be touching me, I couldn't help but notice the guy was naked. Oh well, I figured, he's a doctor.

I was finally called into the healing chambers and I stood before the medicine man. He said "Let's begin the testing" and so I stripped off my clothes just like in the diagram outside. As I stood there naked I suddenly realized there was also a medicine woman in the room. The medicine man quickly informed me that with his healing powers I didn't need to take off my clothes. Oh, I thought, that would have been useful information TWO MINUTES AGO!!!

As I then stood there with my clothes and jacket on he walked up to me and shined a flashlight on my right ear. "You're going deaf in that ear". WHAT I thought...how can you tell that by looking at it. He then took a picture and showed me a curve in my ear which means I'm going deaf. He then touched me and did a little ritual counting and told me I had 80% hearing in my right ear and 93% hearing in my left ear. Then he had me open my mouth and look at my tongue. "Your tongue is twisted which means your hip is out." He then had me lift up my tongue. "Your lungs are swollen." He snapped another picture and showed me two bumps under my tongue that meant I had swollen lungs. I just stood there stunned at all the information he was throwing at me and I could barely understand it.

Then he moved on to the touching. He said we have energy in our bodies and by touching the spot where an organ is he can tell how well it's working. This part went so fast I have no idea what happend. He touched me all over my chest area (apparently where the different organs are) and did some ritual chanting I didn't understand. All the while yelling out numbers to the medicine woman who was writing it down.

Then it was over. I didn't even know if I had been analyzed yet...I still had my jacket on. In the hospital it seems like no one can analyze anything unless you are wearing a hospital gown with your butt showing! He then looked at me and said "What's wrong with your blood? You have a bad infection in your blood." Now, I hadn't told this guy anything ahead of time. He didn't know me from his neighbours goat and had not been told of my condition. I told him I had ITP and explained it. He then nodded and said that made sense. He said he thought I was going to think he was crazy when he told me about the blood infection because it was so bad, but now it all makes sense. (I could have thought of a hundred other ways I thought he was crazy too!) I couldn't believe it.

As the healing session ended he told me what medicine I would need to take to get better. He suggested taking two leaves from a rare plant in the mountains of BC, crushing them and then mixing them in a drink. Or he said I could just buy the pre-made pills with the leaves already in them as the plant is often tough to find in the mountains. He called the special herbs Red Clover and Natures Way. He said to take those and I would feel a whole lot better by the time he comes again. He even said he will be able to tell how often I took the herbs when he tests me next time. I then paid him in his preferred method of a neutered goat and 2 declawed 3 month old chickens and my bill was settled.

I tried to ask him a few more questions but suddenly he waved his cloak around himself and in a puff of smoke I was outside the hotel and standing by my car. As I drove away back to my village I decided to chat with the Specialist about these herbs and see what he thought.

What do you think? Should I try it?

Friday, October 13, 2006

Free Rider Tickets

If you want to go to the Saskatchewan Roughrider game tonight I have two free tickets to give you. I'd love to go, but I really don't want to sit outside in below zero temperatures and potentially get pneumonia again.

Just post a comment and they are yours. Game time is 7:30pm. Winner must pick up tickets from me as delivery is not included.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Purchase #9

I've already bought a number of gifts for Christmas...except that they are all the same thing! That's right, I just bought my 9th Tickle Me Elmo TMX 10th Anniversary Edition. This thing is amazing! You can "tickle" Elmo on his toe, stomach or chin and he starts laughing. But then, he actually falls down and gets back up again all while laughing! Then he begs for you to tickle him again. So you do and he goes through the same routine but adds in even more to his little show. Then he begs you to stop but when you tickle him a 3rd time he goes crazy! He goes through the same routine but on the last one he falls onto his side, then rolls onto his stomach and hits his hand on the floor numberous times, all while laughing hysterically! Then he manages to stand himself back up again!

It's going to be the hottest toy at Christmas time so I decided to buy up a bunch of them and sell them on Ebay. I phoned all over Saskatoon and they were sold out everywhere. Finally, after 2 weeks of phoning stores I found 8 of them at Wal-Mart in Confed. I bought all 8. I just picked up my 9th tonight at Toys 'R Us where I was on their waiting list for the last few weeks. But don't worry, I'm not going to change just because I'm filthy rich after this Christmas!!!

Saturday, October 7, 2006


It looks like we may have caught the pneumonia before it really had a chance to get me. Monday night I was hurting a lot and Tuesday was the same. By Wednesday I wasn't in near as much pain which I guess is what paying a lot of money for drugs will do for ya! However, on Thursday I was feeling better and was all set to go the next day to a wedding in Manitoba...just one more event in Regina for work. But things didn't quite go as I planned. As I drove to Regina I was slowly deterioting all the way down there. My head started to hurt and I was starting to feel congested. Then while at the venue I felt like I pulled another muscle in my lower left back and it hurt to walk again. I then decided that the best move was probably not to spend 14 hours in a car driving to and from a wedding. I figured I wouldn't get much rest and would probably feel worse when I got back and then be sick for the next week. So I phoned Shiela and told her we weren't going.

I woke up Friday morning and was feeling better. I technically had the day off so I was on holidays. The owner of the company I work for often gives the employees the Friday off before a long weekend so we get a 4 day weekend...pretty sweet deal! I say it was technically my day off because I was actually still working. I had to hire two girls to work Thanksgiving Monday for me for an event. I had been having trouble finding people because (surprise surprise!) everyone was with their family on Thanksgiving. I ended up hiring two models from a local modelling agency instead of our regular people.

So I then went out and ran a few errands for work and bought myself a little treat for lunch...chicken strips and Coke. I cooked up the strips and sat down around 2:00pm for lunch. I also added Frank's hot sauce to about 4 out of the six and then I also used plum sauce. I LOVE plum sauce with chicken strips! As I was eating I found it interesting that my stomach was getting sick quite quickly. I couldn't figure out why I was getting sick so I just kept eating because even though I was getting sick it still tasted so good (Shiela made fun of me all night for doing that). By the time I finished off the chicken strips I was sick and decided to lay down for a nap. I turned on a movie, saw about 10 min and then fell asleep on the couch. I only woke up at 5:40pm shen a friend phoned to ask about plans for that night.

I then got up off the couch and realized that I was still sick. I wasn't sure how I was going to go out that night but I had to as it was a triple date type of thing that also included a blind date for two of them. If I ditched out it would be bad. It then hit me pretty suddenly and I spent the next few minutes over the toilet hurling up all the chicken strips I had for lunch. I felt remarkably better after and then Shiela came home and I told her the story. Then I suddenly spent the next few minutes again hurling up the rest of my lunch...and trust me, I threw up a lot! (Shiela then looked at the expiry date on the plum sauce and all she could see was that it expired in /06 and couldn't see the month...however I am pretty sure it was expired and that's what made me sick)

So now I was feeling quite a bit better and ended up going out that night. I was far from my usual self but it was a fun night. So to end off this long story, I often feel pretty good when I am sitting at home, but as soon as I venture outside for a while I deteriate quickly. So I'm spending some quality time sleeping away my Thanksgiving holiday with the odd insert of entertainment (like going to watch someone play Huskie v-ball tonight). Hopefully I'll be ok to last out the game before retiring once again to my bed. I'm planning on being healthy again by Tuesday!!

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

I'm Sick and Hurting

Last night I was going to miss small group so I could go to a soccer coaches meeting for the upcoming season. Around 5:00pm I started to feel a lot of pain in my left side. It hurt to breathe and I had pain shooting all around from my shoulder down to my waist. It hurt to even walk.

I figured it would go away and I would move on. I had been having some pain in my right side the past few days ever since I went for my nuclear medicine test to see if have an auxillary spleen (the test was negative and I don't). I thought I had just pulled a muscle or something because when I took the test I had to lie down on this machine and put both hands above my head. I kept bringing them down because it got sore, so they eventually tied my hands up so I couldn't move them. When they cut me loose I could barely move my arms and that was when the pain started on my right hand side. The pain I was now experiencing in my left side was similar to that in my right. Surprisingly enough, when the pain in my left started all the pain left my right side completely.

So I ended up going to City Hospital emergency. My soccer meeting was at City Park Collegiate and so I figured if this was nothing I could zip over to my meeting after. Turned out it was something.

They conducted a number of tests on me including an ECG. This is where they strap all these wires to you, then send electricity through it and watch your heart jump. After a few bolts of electricity I had enough and ripped off the cords and started yelling at people and threating to touch them with the wires. The doctors all scrambled out of the way because for some reason no one likes to be electrocuted...go figure!

Then they did some other tests including chest x-rays, blood tests (one in each arm) and an ultrasound to see if I had any fluids causing problems in me. Oh yeah, can't forget the interrogation I also had to endure. An intern with family medicine came in and said she wanted to ask me a few questions. She turned off the main light and then turned on the bright lamp right above my head. I was instantly blinded and asked her to turn it off, but she said I didn't have a choice. She then asked me all kinds of questions...what's your medical history, what drugs do you take, where does it hurt, does this hurt (as she pokes me in pinky toes with a needle), whose your daddy and for pete's sake, TELL US THE LAUNCH CODES!!!

Once the interrogation and tests were done they all came in to give me the final verdict. I was developing pneumonia and the reason it hurt to breathe was because my lungs were rubbing up against my rib cage (I think that's what they said). And then, to top things off, they decided to destroy me financially and handed me a prescription for some very expensive antibiotics.

So here I am at home. I'm suppose to sleep lots (no problem there) and get rest. The problem is I have a few events yet to do and don't have staff for them all yet. So I will need to mix sleep with work to ensure things get done.

*Some of the events and details listed above may not be entirely accurate. Use your judgement.