Saturday, October 7, 2006


It looks like we may have caught the pneumonia before it really had a chance to get me. Monday night I was hurting a lot and Tuesday was the same. By Wednesday I wasn't in near as much pain which I guess is what paying a lot of money for drugs will do for ya! However, on Thursday I was feeling better and was all set to go the next day to a wedding in Manitoba...just one more event in Regina for work. But things didn't quite go as I planned. As I drove to Regina I was slowly deterioting all the way down there. My head started to hurt and I was starting to feel congested. Then while at the venue I felt like I pulled another muscle in my lower left back and it hurt to walk again. I then decided that the best move was probably not to spend 14 hours in a car driving to and from a wedding. I figured I wouldn't get much rest and would probably feel worse when I got back and then be sick for the next week. So I phoned Shiela and told her we weren't going.

I woke up Friday morning and was feeling better. I technically had the day off so I was on holidays. The owner of the company I work for often gives the employees the Friday off before a long weekend so we get a 4 day weekend...pretty sweet deal! I say it was technically my day off because I was actually still working. I had to hire two girls to work Thanksgiving Monday for me for an event. I had been having trouble finding people because (surprise surprise!) everyone was with their family on Thanksgiving. I ended up hiring two models from a local modelling agency instead of our regular people.

So I then went out and ran a few errands for work and bought myself a little treat for lunch...chicken strips and Coke. I cooked up the strips and sat down around 2:00pm for lunch. I also added Frank's hot sauce to about 4 out of the six and then I also used plum sauce. I LOVE plum sauce with chicken strips! As I was eating I found it interesting that my stomach was getting sick quite quickly. I couldn't figure out why I was getting sick so I just kept eating because even though I was getting sick it still tasted so good (Shiela made fun of me all night for doing that). By the time I finished off the chicken strips I was sick and decided to lay down for a nap. I turned on a movie, saw about 10 min and then fell asleep on the couch. I only woke up at 5:40pm shen a friend phoned to ask about plans for that night.

I then got up off the couch and realized that I was still sick. I wasn't sure how I was going to go out that night but I had to as it was a triple date type of thing that also included a blind date for two of them. If I ditched out it would be bad. It then hit me pretty suddenly and I spent the next few minutes over the toilet hurling up all the chicken strips I had for lunch. I felt remarkably better after and then Shiela came home and I told her the story. Then I suddenly spent the next few minutes again hurling up the rest of my lunch...and trust me, I threw up a lot! (Shiela then looked at the expiry date on the plum sauce and all she could see was that it expired in /06 and couldn't see the month...however I am pretty sure it was expired and that's what made me sick)

So now I was feeling quite a bit better and ended up going out that night. I was far from my usual self but it was a fun night. So to end off this long story, I often feel pretty good when I am sitting at home, but as soon as I venture outside for a while I deteriate quickly. So I'm spending some quality time sleeping away my Thanksgiving holiday with the odd insert of entertainment (like going to watch someone play Huskie v-ball tonight). Hopefully I'll be ok to last out the game before retiring once again to my bed. I'm planning on being healthy again by Tuesday!!

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