Saturday, July 29, 2006

Clarification on Previous Blog

I re-read the previous blog and thought I should delete it, but then decided to just leave it up as some people had already read it and I should probably just clarify what I meant.

I realized the previous post may have come across that I was excluding myself from what I was saying about working hard and having a passion for the game. Don't get me wrong, I am very much a part of this. When I was saying that "people need to step it up if someone gets after them" I was thinking of myself. If I misjudge a ball and it goes over my head, ok people make mistakes. If I do it again, I would hope that my team would get on my case and start telling me to judge the ball better and back up...and I hope I wouldn't get mad at them but realize that they are right. There are times out there where I get beat and I have stopped trying. When I am talking about people not giving up and hustling their butt to make up for mistakes, I am including myself in that because I know that I can improve on that a lot.

So if anyone from our Tauro FC team read the previous post, please don't read into it that I think you don't like soccer and aren't trying. That was not the point and I am not trying to point out any individual players. I also am not excluding myself from any comments I made. My sole desire of that post was to point out that if we want to start wining games we need to be fired up together as a team with all cylinders firing, meaning EVERY player must give it everything they have for 90 minutes and work together as a team.

I'd love to hear any comments anyone has on this.

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