Tuesday, August 22, 2006

No Longer Unemployed`

I'm not going to be unemployed much longer. Technically I still am unemployed because I haven't signed any type of contract yet, but I verbally have a new job. TrojanOne, the company I worked for while doing the Hbc Run for Canada, is going to hire me full time. However I don't want to start until Sept 4th so they were fine with that. That way I can enjoy unemployment and also a little bit of vacation before starting work full time again.

I'm going to be the Field Marshall for part of the western region. This will basically include Saskatchewan and Manitoba but it may extend a little further into Alberta or so. I'll be working out of my home office so I still won't have to commute to work! The fun part is that they will provide me with a laptop, pay for my internet and also provide me with a Blackberry. I'm exicted about that!

I'll keep you up to date on any cool promotions I am working on. Currently I'll be doing some events promoting Frank's Red Hot Sauce in some bars in Saskatoon. I don't actually do the events, I just supervise them and make sure they go well. It sounds like a pretty sweet job!

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