Saturday, March 22, 2008

March 22 - The Greatest Day Ever

I do enjoy a good birthday. This one is a big one for me...the big 30. I had always planned on making my first million by the time I was 30, but unfortunately it looks like I came up a few hundred dollars short. Guess you can't win them all.

The party already started yesterday with a lunch to Grainfields with my in-laws and then an outing to East Side Mario's and then back to our place for ice cream cake and a poker tournament. You'd think they would let the birthday boy win, but no and I just got second.

I actually have no real plans for on my birthday day. I'm just going to kick around and do what I want. Maybe go to Golftown...maybe watch some NCAA ball...maybe try to get that last couple hundred dollars to reach my million mark...who knows. What I do know is now I am old, I can see over the hill and I'm about to start cruising down the other side. The adventure is only beginning!

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