Monday, March 24, 2008

I'm 30 But I've Still Got It!

The title is actually a little deceiving. It would indicate that I actually had something previously in order for me to still have it. I don't know if I ever really had "it". No, I'm not referring to a Coke because believe you me, I wouldn't still have it because it would be long drank already. I'm talking about scoring goals.

Back in highschool soccer days in my grade 11 year I hit the high point of my goal scoring career. I believe I had 10 goals that season (I actually forget the exact number but as I get older I think that number will also keep inflating). I remember being extremely happy with all the goals I scored that year and that was also the first time in 14 years that our school beat Notre Dame to go to Provincials. Best soccer season ever! I've never scored that many goals in one season since.

This season I decided I wanted to get away from playing defense and start to play forward for indoor soccer. I had never played forward before but I figured it was time to start scoring goals again. But there is nothing more frustrating than having someone on the team playing forward who can't score goals. So I told another guy that if I wasn't scoring at least 1 goal every 3 games I should be kicked off the forward line. That goal really isn't all that high, but for someone who had scored maybe 2 goals total in the last four seasons it was pretty lofty.

Well, tonight in my first game ever as a 30 year old I managed to hit the back of the net twice to put my total goals for the season at 8. I played in a total of 18 games giving me an average of one goal every 2.25 goal was reached!

With the outdoor season approaching in early May I realize I only have about 1 month to get into shape. Currently, I am not where I want to be. Outdoor soccer is a lot of running and I need to lose one, two or twenty pounds or so if I want to be competitive out there. Right now I'm looking in the mirror and I see a trim, lean and muscular man staring back at me...oh wait, that's the Men's Fitness magazine. In the mirror I look like...oh never mind, I don't want to give anyone nightmares. I've already been researching a soccer fitness training program and am looking forward to a much leaner, trimmer and more muscular physique come May. So stay tuned to this very blog to see how the training goes.


Unknown said...

That was a great season in 1994, wasn't it? Too bad we tanked at provincials. To this day I blame the wind.

Incidentally, I've never scored a goal in an official soccer game. I guess that's what happens when you're a fullback.

Did we play defense together? Or did you play half?

Sheldon said...

I played midfield (halfback) usually out on the right wing. I too remember that provincials. We were beating the top Regina team 2-0 at halftime and then lost the game 2-5. Then in the bronze medal game against PA it was SO windy that if you kicked the ball in the air it basically went backwards. I've never played in a windier game since and I too blame the wind for that loss. It's hard to believe that was 14 years ago now...

Sheldon said...

I played midfield (halfback) usually out on the right wing. I too remember that provincials. We were beating the top Regina team 2-0 at halftime and then lost the game 2-5. Then in the bronze medal game against PA it was SO windy that if you kicked the ball in the air it basically went backwards. I've never played in a windier game since and I too blame the wind for that loss. It's hard to believe that was 14 years ago now...