Friday, April 4, 2008

Hospital Visit

Well it looks like I was once again in the hospital. Apparently I just can't get over this sickness I've been having. With so many bugs going around it is pretty hard to avoid getting sick. I got so sick I was basically like a ghost in the hospital.

Actually, I was a ghost in the hospital. Friday morning I found out that I had ended up in the hospital on Thursday and nobody came to see me. There were phone calls though as people phoned each other to talk about my hospital visit. My parents found out I was in the hospital. My brother-in-law checked to see if I was on the hospital list as he left work that night. My sister phoned my parents to talk about my hospital visit. Then Friday morning my parents told my little sister I had been in the hospital. She asked if anyone had phoned to talk to me. No one had. So she phoned me up at home to let me know I had been in the hospital.

And that was news to me because I had not been to the hospital. I had never even been sick (which is amazing because Shiela has had a cold for quite a while). Actually I was at work all day Thursday and then played soccer Thursday night. I found out that someone had heard someone was in the hospital and they thought they heard my name. So the word started spreading that I was in the hospital again. Funny how rumours can do that so quickly.

So just to set everyone at ease. I am back at home...I mean I never left home...except for no worries. I guess I should stay in touch with my family more often!

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