Sunday, April 13, 2008

Not Entering the Dragon's Den

One of my favourite shows on CBC right now is Dragon's Den. For those who haven't seen it, it is a show where entrepreneurs enter into the Dragon's Den (a basement in some studio in Toronto) and pitch their business ideas to 5 wealthy dragons (aka business people with lots of cash). It's a great show and fun to watch all the neat ideas people have and how the dragons tear them to shreds!

I am a dreamer and always have a lot of business ideas on my mind. I want to own my own business someday and it's just a matter of the right idea (which by the way I currently have a new one that I'm excited about). I've always thought it would be neat to be on that show and present one of my ideas to them. They might hash it to bits, but it would be cool to just be there and experience it.

Well, this past Friday I found out that Dragon's Den auditions were actually here in Saskatoon! Usually I have my ear to the ground with that type of thing, but the tremors didn't come to me and I didn't see this coming. Apparently not a lot of other people heard about it either. There were only three entries in all of Saskatoon. They all presented and then the producers decide who gets to actually come onto the show.

Oh well, missed them this time around. I need to get my business proposal done and be ready for next time when they come here. Then I'll be ready to fight fire with fire...(get it, they're dragons so they breathe fire..ah, forget it)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Sheldon

Don't give up on your Dragons' Den Dream!!!
You don't HAVE to audition in person- you can apply online and this year-- you can even upload your own video via Youtube. So if you still want to do it-- you can!