Monday, May 19, 2008

Off The Roids

It's official. I am no longer taking steroids. Actually, I'm not even sure if I've been taking steroids really. I know I used to be but the latest drugs may not have actually been steroids. But whatever the case, I am off drugs completely. Yep, my dealer told me we could try to go off the drugs for a while and see what happens. No rehab. No hospitals. No pretending to be Lindsay Lohan and say I'm going off but secretly I'm still using. Nope, I'm stopping cold turkey.

So far I'm feeling pretty good. I'm not sure exactly how I should feel. The doctor always asked me if I was feeling any side effects to life on roids. I kept saying not really because I didn't really feel any. Except for the roid rage of course. The walls of our house look like swiss cheese from the rages I went on! (just kidding). I'm not really all that aware of what is going on in my body so it is hard for me to really notice if there are side effects. If something unusual happens I usually just assume that it must be somewhat normal. If my wife was in this situation she would know right away and be able to tell the doctor exactly what was different when she was taking drugs. But not me. I just go through life taking it all in stride...that's how I roll.

The ironic part of the latest drugs I was taking (but now am not) is that it was an immune suppresent. Apparently that means I should be very careful not to be around sick people, etc. because I am easily prone to being sick. The funny part is that I don't think I've been sick at all. I actually felt that maybe I was able to fight off being sick easier than before. Granted I no longer have an appendix or spleen to help me out, but even without those organs I've been doing great. So if I start to get sick soon I think I'm going back on the drugs because secretly those pills are like a fountain of youth for me!

But seriously, it is good to be off the drugs now and my dealer said we will monitor my situation to see how it is going. I hope it goes well because a drug free life would be great!

P.S. For those new to this blog the "drugs" are prescription medicine and I'm not really a drug user. Read previous entries from other years to understand.

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