Thursday, September 11, 2008

Our Beautiful Girl

I stared to write a long post about the whole birth story, but then figured I'd just give you the main details and show some pictures.

The entire labour went fast. Shiela's water broke at home around midnight and off we went to the hospital. She was fine until she got to registration in the Emergency Room which is where she had her first major much pain she couldn't talk. We went up to antepartum but they quickly realized she was 7-8cm dilated and off we went to the Labour and Delivery section.

Shiela was in a lot of pain and the contractions were probably 60 sec basically she was in pain the entire time. She asked for an epidural, but they said they also had to get an IV in her first. She was on all fours on the bed because that was the only position she could handle. Finally, they got in the IV and she managed to sit up long enough for them to put in the epidural (she was extremely strong there!). The epidural was in, but then they checked her again and she was fully dilated and they said she could start to push.

So she got into the pushing position and the pushing began. The epidural doesn't work during the pushing phase and so the epidural didn't have time to take effect at all because everything happened so quickly. The entire pushing part took only about 20 minutes and I then had a baby girl in my arms. The entire process took less than 3 hours!!
Shiela was phenomenal during the whole process. She was totally composed the entire time. She was saying "Thank You" when someone helped her. There was no yelling or threatening to remove body parts, etc. She was absolutely amazing...I was extremely proud to be married to such an amazing woman.

And then our daughter was in our arms. Shiela had no tearing at all and so she is recovering very well. For our last night in the hospital we also got the Victorian Room which is very nice room and I would suggest everyone try to get that one.

The Stats:
Kira Lynn Mathies (pronounced KEER-ah)
Sept 6, 2008 2:49am
7lbs 1oz
19.75 inches long
Blue eyes and blonde peach fuzzy hair
Extremely cute!!

Here are some photos of my precious daughter!

I celebrated my daughter's birth by giving everyone who came to visit her in the hospital a mini Coke to drink and then we toasted Kira Lynn. It was a lot of Coke to drink, but I managed as I of course drank a can everytime someone else did!

Two shots of the Victorian Room...we watched the Rider game on the great TV! You can also see the Queen size bed that massaged and vibrated!

1 comment:

Chris Hiebert said...

Congratulations! Sorry I missed this. She's beautiful! Much love and joy . . .