Sunday, September 21, 2008

Planniing for the Fall

You know it is time to get back into a routine when a week like this next one is about to hit you. No, not work. No, not sports. It's time to decide which TV shows am I going to follow this season.

I'm trying to keep it to a minimum as I really don't have a lot of time to be watching TV...or at least I should be doing other things rather than watching TV is more like it. But there are definately a few shows that I will be watching regularly this season:

The Office - if you are one of the 4 people who haven't started to watch this, go out, rent the first 3 seasons and then start watching Season 4 this week. I guarantee you won't be disappointed.

Criminal Minds - the last season ended with a bang and I want to know what is going to happen with those supposedly random killings in New York. This is a show I won't be missing.

CSI Las Vegas - This is the only CSI show I watch consistently. I can't stand Horatio in Miami. The New York one is ok but you can't watch them all. I love this original version and even though Grisam is going to be gone this season, hopefully Laurence Fishburne will be a good replacement.

Then there are a few shows that I like, but if I miss them it would be ok:

Prison Break - After breaking out of prison, then finding money, then going back to prison, then breaking out again, I'm starting to get bored with this whole thing. I thought they were going to end it after last season, but obviously someone threw a bunch of money at the right people because he's back again. Not sure if he's breaking in or out of prison yet...I'll watch some episodes but not sure if I'll follow it consistently. Which means I probably won't watch it much as you can't hit and miss episodes in a show like this.

Law and Order SVU - I like this show, but again it is not one I have to watch each week. Although there is some carry over from episode to episode, it is not huge and you can enjoy an episode even if you missed some others.

So You Think You Can Dance Canada - I really enjoyed this last season of the US version so I'll probably watch this a fair bit...especially since Shiela likes it a lot too. As long as the choreography is good I'll keep watching.

The big decision:

Survivor Gabon - Survivor has been around a long time. I remember the first season being on before I was even married. This is a show where I'll either get into it huge or never watch it. I haven't decided yet and will probably make a last minute decision on Thursday when it premieres.

So those are the shows I'll be watching. What do you I missing a good one that I should have on my radar? Let me know!

1 comment:

Mrs Manz said...

I'm sure gossip girl would be right up your alley. ;) (ha-ha!)
Oh - and Kurt and I really enjoy Mad Men - ad executives in Manhattan in the late 50's early 60's... you can watch both seasons online on CTV's website.