Saturday, January 6, 2007

Napoleon Dynamite

So I'm a little behind the times, but last night I watched Napoleon Dynamite for the first time. I had heard so much about it. Nobody said anything bad about it, but everyone admitted it was a funny, pointless movie. I wasn't sure I totally believed them. How could a movie have absolutely no point, have no big actors, no real plot and yet still make a lot of money. What studio would let that movie be produced!?!

I sat down on Friday night and watched it. My wife had been called in to work so I was home alone. I put in Napoleon Dynamite to see for myself what this movie was about.

My answer: It was stupid. I sat there and watched the whole thing and finally it was over. Most movies about highschool have a plot to them where a nerdy girl turns beautiful, or a guy goes after a girl and gets her, etc. But this movie was basically reality. It showed Napoleon in a real life high school situation.

Was it funny? Well, it was funny in its own way that I had never seen before. It wasn't slapstick comedy which was good because I can't stand slapstick comedy movies. I like comedies that are funny, but not stupid funny. Some example of stupid funny movies are Scary Movie 4, Hot Shots Part Deux, etc. But this movie was funny because it was basically the real life story of a nerd in highschool and how he was treated. I just can't believe that someone would be quite that nerdy. I never saw anyone quite like that in my highschool, but then again our school didn't have mirrors!

Should you see this movie? That's irrelevant because I'm so far behind the times it's like giving a review on Back to the've all seen it already! But if you haven't, why not? Rent it, laugh if you can laugh at how stupid his life is, and use it as an excuse to eat a lot of popcorn and Coke!
Did you like the movie? Anybody willing to admit they dance like Napoleon?


Janelle said...

Rod bugged me to watch it for a very long time. i refused. i knew it was gonna be stupid.
finally i gave in, and we watched it, and i peed my pants it was so funny. i usually hate movies like that - but i really liked this one - not sure why, and i'll probably never watch it again...but i found it very entertaining.

Anonymous said...

I didn't think much of this movie the first time I saw it either. Neither did my wife. But we found ourselves quoting the movie and talking about it in spite of our opinion. We watched it a second time and loved it.

Just wait, the same thing will happen to you.

Sheldon said...

I think if I watched it with the right people maybe it would be a lot funnier. Marc, I do find myself thinking of some quotes from the movie so maybe it will grow on me with time. I think more of my friends need to see it first and then we can all quote lines from it!