Sunday, December 7, 2008

Are You a Good Driver?

With the snow we have been having one of the most common things you hear is "I can't believe how bad everyone is at driving!" Ok, I get you. Some people are poor drivers. But let's take this even beyond just the snow. I want to talk about people making that comment any time of year.

When you hear someone say "People don't know how to drive!" you instinctively think of what a bad driver is. At least I do. And I always assumed that everyone thought the same way I did about what a bad driver is. But if you really listen closely to people afterward, or if you just ask a few more questions, you'll find that they may not be talking about the same thing.

For instance...when I think someone is a bad driver, to me it means they:
  • Drive too slow (which is the speed should be going AT LEAST the speed limit)

  • Brake too quickly (don't hit the brake LONG before you get to a traffic light or behind someone)

  • Completely stop when trying to merge into a new lane (if I see you do this I will honk my horn at you until you go deaf...if there is a merge lane that means you should merge...not make a turn into that lane. Think about it...if you didn't think you could merge into that traffic going the same speed as them, what makes you think you can turn into that lane starting from zero and be able to instantly match their speed)

  • Stay in the same lane no matter what (zipping in and out of lanes to get ahead faster is the way to drive)

  • Pull into the back of the line when traffic is backed way up (Never do this. Always drive down the other lane as far up to the front of the line as you can before you are forced to merge into the long line lane. Trust me...this is Saskatchewan...someone will ALWAYS let you in and you will save yourself a lot of time)

Not everyone agrees with me on my above thoughts. Their definition of a bad driver is someone who does all the things I listed in the brackets above. To you I say...LEARN HOW TO DRIVE because you are slowing the rest of us down.

Does anyone disagree with me?


Anonymous said...

Hear, hear! Too true. Slow drivers are the worst! And even worse than a slow driver is a slow driver that insists on staying in the left lane where fast drivers belong. Hey, stupid drivers, if you see somebody catching up with you, you're driving too slow! Get in the right lane. Of course, if I think I'm driving a reasonable speed, and somebody catches up with me and tries to pass, I try to match the speed of some slow driver and let them suffer for a while! Ha!

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