Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Good Ol' Country

Now I am not a country music fan, but when I was in BC I heard this song on the radio and really loved it. I've been an avid non-country music lover for a long time so I was hesitant to listen originally, but now I guess this song is my guilty pleasure.

Now I'm sure all you hard core country lovers probably won't like this and would say it's a "pop song". I can see your point a little bit since they took out the hard core "twang" of the guitars and the song actually ends happily instead of the regular "I lost my dog and lost my wife, guess it's time to end my life." So I see where you're coming from...but maybe just for a little while you can sit back, listen, and remember what it's like to listen to an optimistic song on life!


Mrs Manz said...

Sheldon! YouTube bumped your video! And I was TOTALLY going to watch it. :)

Sheldon said...

Sorry everyone, looks like my video got taken down by You Tube. Who would have thought my blog was so well read that they just had to shut it down instantly!

I'll find it again somewhere and post it again.