Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Hypocrites R' Us

I'm a hypocrite. Yes, one of those low living, scum sucking people that everybody loves to hate. So what exactly am I hypocritical about? The answer: Blogging.

I really enjoy blogging, but the part I enjoy about blogging is actually reading other people's blogs. I love surfing through my list of blogs, finding out what people are doing, commenting on some and mostly lurking on the others. I mean, I enjoy posting too and telling my stories, but I LOVE reading blogs.

And that is where I am a hypocrite. I always browse through the blogs and when someone hasn't updated theirs in a while I get all upset and wonder why they don't post something new. I mean, come on already, it's been 12 hours...don't you have anything new to say!!! Then I go by my blog and think "Yeah, I should really post something...later." and off I go exploring more blogs.

That's not really fair. So, I hope to be posting more regularly and get rid of the title hypocrite. Any other hypocrites out there?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No, not a hypocrite - but I HAVE been wondering if you were still blogging. :)
Nice to see a new heading - keep up the good work! Really. (lol)