Monday, January 2, 2006

It's Going To Be a Great Year

Goodbye 2005 and hello 2006! That's right, I'm excited about this new year! I feel that it's a time for new beginnings and a chance to forget about everything that didn't go well in the last year. Now, I don't usually go about writing down new years resolutions. I sort of make them, in my mind only, because that way if I don't fulfill them nobody knows. But this year I've decided to share a few of them:

1) Score more goals in soccer
2) Play more shinny
3) Make a lot of money

All three of these should be pretty easy to do. I'm not much of a goal scorer in soccer so as long as I score the odd goal here and there I should be able to beat my last years result. As for playing shinny, I haven't even played once in the last 3 years so if I manage to get out even once this goal will be accomplished (even though I want to play at least 3 - 4 times this winter if not more). Make a lot of money...this is pretty basic. Everyone who knows me knows that I claim I will one day be rich. That is still my plan and I feel that this is going to be my breakout year! Besides that, since I've been unemployed for the last 4 months making more money than last year shouldn't be that hard! I do have a few other resolutions, but I'll keep those to myself.

Well, there you have it. Did any of you make any resolutions?

1 comment:

Janelle said...

of course i have the most "original" resolution - lose tons of weight, though this year i hope it comes true.
my other ones were to keep my house clean, learn to cook better, and spend more time playing with Kamryn.
p.s. congrats on your job!!!!