Saturday, April 1, 2006

It's Sad to Say Good bye

Shiela and I have been keeping a secret for a while that I couldn't post. I really wanted to, but just in case it didn't work out I didn't want everyone to know. And no, we're not pregnant!

Shiela and I are moving to Abbotsford, B.C.

There, I said it, it's out there! Man, it feels good to get that off my chest! I know this may come as a shock to many of you, but here's the reason for the move. Many of you know that I have wanted to start up a new business for a long's been a dream of mine. I finally just found out that I have been granted a franchise license to open a Dippin Dots in Abbotsford, B.C. I originally had applied for a license in Saskatoon, however the company would not grant it. They said that Saskatoon was not a big enough market, especially since no one eats ice cream for at least 6 months of the year. In Abbotsford you can eat ice cream year round which means a much larger demand and a whole lot more money!

This was not an easy decision for Shiela and I. Shiela loves her job here in Saskatoon but realizes that starting my own business has always been my dream and she has agreed to quit her job and try to find another EMS position in Abbotsford. It will most likely mean more schooling, but she is ok with that. She has decided that since she has to go back for more schooling anyway, she is going to get her Paramedic schooling right away. That way she will be one level higher up and can work in a lot more places.

We are definately going to miss Saskatoon. We have a lot of friends here and will miss them dearly. I know I am also going to miss all the poker games I have with my friends...thank goodness for the Internet. We've given our notice to our landlord and the plan is to be in Abbotsford by April 15th.

Anyways, it's late now and I need to go to bed soon. I have a big soccer game tomorrow morning at 8:30am. We entered a co-ed team into the Just For Kicks tournament and we play on Sat at 8:30am and 3:00pm. Then once more Sun at 8:30am. If we move onto the playoffs we'll play some more yet!

Ok, so good night and Shiela and I just want to say we love you all (our friends that is, any random strangers reading this that may not exactly apply to you in the same way). Feel free to leave any comments in the comments section!


Anonymous said...

Oh Sheldon and Shiela,
Great tears of grief ran down our faces as we read this email. We are nothing without you two! Please, PLEASE don't leave - we'll buy you a house if you'll only stay to sell ice cream here! Boo-hoo-hoo!!!

Oh - and Happy April Fool's Day.


the manzs
(the was a good one, Matthies)

Janelle said...

ok, now i'm waiting to see if this really is an april fools joke or not...

Janelle said...

i didn't think you'd make your big annoucement like this! and of course, on April Fools Day - sneaky! i did get excited for a couple seconds regarding the dunkin dots! that would be really cool - you should seriously look into that!
well, really glad you're staying...

Anonymous said...

Hey Sheldon, well, straight home from the soccer game to find the worlds best commercial!!

Here is your link!


Sheldon said...

Thanks Robin! For those others reading this, I love this commercial. I know it's a Pepsi commercial, but I just ignore that part. The dance moves this guy has is awesome! If you haven't seen it yet you need to...and then take those dance moves out clubbing this weekend!