It's only 2 more sleeps away. I thought I could just keep it low key and pretend that nothing was happening and it was just a normal day. Yah, right! That thought lasted about a milisecond. No way. I love birthdays and I can't wait to celebrate it!
This year I'm having a party on the Saturday after my birthday and we are going to do something that I love to do but am extremely bad at...curling! That's right, we are going curling and it will be a hoot! If you haven't been invited yet, don't worry...Shiela is doing the invitations and will be inviting people. She was actually going to do it this morning but got called in to work. So I figured I'd throw it up here on my blog to give some of you avid readers the heads up. So if you are my friend and we hang out on occassion, keep this Saturday night free as it's going to be a lot of fun!
Also, ON my birthday, that's Wednesday March 22,I'm going to have a poker night. It will be a tournament format that starts at 7:00pm and ends at 10:00pm (or really close to it). Texas Hold 'Em, $5.00 buy in but the fun is free! I hope to get quite a few people out so if you want to play some poker on Wednesday night leave me a comment on my blog and I'll save you a seat.
I've also decided what I want for my birthday, so if you haven't bought me a gift yet, feel free to choose from this list:
- 17" or 19" flat screen monitor for our computer
- Daniel Negreanu's new poker DVD (I think you can buy it at www.fullcontactpoker.com in the store section, but you might have to create a free account first
- a nice outdoor soccer ball
- Adidas casual shoes
- casual socks (not sport socks or dress socks...just casual socks)
- money to put towards my poker bankroll (feel free to transfer money online directly into my Paradise Poker or Poker Stars account if you want)
- nice athletic Adidas shirts at Athletes World (in Midtown Plaza they are in the back of the store on the bottom left hand side. I like both the white and the red ones)
- Tickets to any U2 concert
- A golf membership to a Saskatoon golf course
- new CD's (Christian bands would be great...not sure which ones...maybe a gift certificate would be good)
- Satellite radio (not sure why, but Warren has one and it sounded cool)
- Mike Caro's Book of Poker Tells
- Subscription to the magazine CardPlayer (it's a poker magazine)
- a Poker Tournament timer (probably need to buy this online)
- Gym membership to the Saskatoon Civic Centres (honest, I'll use it!)
- New VCR with remote control and the ability to program it (I broke our current VCR remote and so now we can't program shows and have to get up to fast forward the tapes. Ok, put away your violins but I'll keep the cheese)
Oh, the list could go on and on (actually, the truth is that it took me quite a while to think up all those things as I never really feel like I need anything)
That's it for now! I hope a lot of my friends can make it out to my party...Hurry! Hurry Hard!! (I'm going to be yelling that the entire time!)
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