Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Last Post With a Spleen

Yep, this is it. My very last post while I still have a spleen. My spleen and I have had some really good times together...actually all of our times have been together. But tomorrow I venture out into the world on my own. Well, not really on my own. I still have my heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, gall bladder, and many other great organs. I don't plan on giving up doing things just because my spleen isn't here to do them with me. I still have to live life to the fullest! My spleen will understand. It will be watching me live my life from some medical landfill somewhere where all the used up spleens and other organs go. I'm sure it will want me to live a great life! And I plan to do just that!

Oh yeah, happy 100th post to me! I can't believe I've written that many things. For those of you waiting for the story of my BC trip and also the Fact or Fiction story called "The Mysteriously Silent Monkey" it will have to wait until after my surgery.

So, see you all on the flip side!

1 comment:

Janelle said...

We'll be thinking of ya! and praying for you - though Rod thinks this is all a hoax just so you can watch World Cup!! don't give him any ideas! haha...take care Sheldon.