Monday, May 1, 2006

Long Overdue Fact or Fiction Answers

Over the last few weeks I've been bombarded with people wondering why I never post the answers to my Fact or Fiction stories. Of course I immediately protested and said I was sure I had posted the answer, but I knew deep down they were right. After a quick look back I found out that there are two stories I never posted the answers to. What's that you say, you want more time to think about it? Well, TOO BAD! You snooze you lose! LOL!

Oblivious To Fame - Fact or Fiction (original post Nov 8, 2005)

This story is FACT! In case you don't remember this was the story of me meeting Bob Bassen and eating breakfast with him. I had absolutely no idea who he was but all my friends who were in the dishpit knew and wished they were me (ok, I don't know if they wished they were me since at that time they were better basketball players than me, but I bet they wished they were in my shoes at that exact moment!)

Freeze Dirt Bag - Fact or Fiction (orginal post Feb 21st)

This story was FICTION! Practically everyone got this one right. This was the first story where we used the Poll system for people to vote on the stories and it worked really well.

The way this story really happened is like this. My assistant coach and I were driving out of the hotel in Edmonton and onto the street when we looked over and saw a cop car with it's lights on. As we glanced around we saw a cop behind this one teenager and he had him up against the wall in the usual search position. As we glanced around we saw a case of beer lying on the ground with the beer spilling out and running down the sidewalk into the nearby grate. (I'm sure any alcoholic that saw that would have had a heart attack because if it had been Coke I know I for sure would have had one!) It was pretty obvious the kid had stolen the beer and was now caught. Yeah, so unfortunately I never got to help with the arrest but it sure was fun thinking of what I would have done had he been running away!

Ok, so now I'm all caught up. I've decided to keep stories on my site for 1 week before posting the FACT or FICTION answer, so stay tuned and keep checking the blog!

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