Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Mission Impossible 3 Review

Last night my youth soccer game got cancelled due to the rain so Shiela and I decided to take advantage of the opportunity to go see a movie. We once again went in for free as we still have a few "free movie" coupons we cut out of cereal boxes over the last few months. We were debating whether to see "Stick It", which is done by the creators of "Bring it On" which is a great movie, or else MI3. It really wasn't a long debate but trust me, we will be seeing "Stick It" eventually!

I wasn't sure what to expect from MI3, especially since I didn't really enjoy MI2 all that much. It has been a long time since I watched it, but all I remember is the opening scene of Tom Cruise hanging on a cliff (which was pretty cool) and the girl. Ohhhg...that girl! And that's not a nice "Ohhg". That's a "I can't stand her" Ohhhg. I just felt that the plot in the second one was terrible and that girl ruined the whole movie.

Anyways, back to MI3. Overall I loved the movie. There was lots of action, explosions, and cool scenes where they need to sneak inot places again. And there was no annoying girl. There's a girl of course, but she's not annoying in this one. I don't want to give anything away so I'll just leave it at that and say that MI3 is a great movie to go see if you want lots of action, cool gadgets being used and you don't want some lousy girl to get in the way and mess everything up! I'd give it an 8.5 out of 10!

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