Friday, May 12, 2006

Volunteers Needed!

I was talking with the race director for the Saskatchewan Marathon and she told me that since they have changed the course this year they need a lot more volunteers. I told her I would try to help and recruit some.

This is where YOU come in. Here are the details:

When: May 28th (Sunday morning)
Time: Depends on your job (but in the morning)
What: They need people to stand on the course and tell people which way to go, people to hand out water at the water stations, etc.
Experience: None required!

What's in it for You:
  • All volunteers will receive an event t-shirt
  • All volunteers are entered to win prizes.
  • All volunteers will be invited to their 2006 volunteer appreciation event 1 week following the marathon.
So if you are around on May 28th (and I know that all of you are!) then follow this link HERE and volunteer to help out. Just tell her that Sheldon from the Hbc Run for Canada recruited you (no, I'm not getting paid for recruiting or anything like that...I just want her to know that I was out trying to help her).

*Now this may seem hypocritical, but I'm not volunteering. However, I will excuse you too if you just had surgery 3 days before this event.

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