Thursday, September 1, 2005

Call 911 - Terminated

"Sheldon, I've seen Don* (head of General Admin) talking to Bryan* (head of Marketing) a lot today. You'd tell me if I was being fired, wouldn't you?"

My stomach dropped as Rachel* casually asked me this, half jokingly. I couldn't believe this was actually going to happen. I was about to be fired.

"It's me," I replied and my mind raced as I realized the end was coming. I looked up and saw Don walk into Bryan's office and close the door. I looked at my watch and saw it was 4:30pm on a Thursday. I thought they did this type of thing on Friday's I told myself. The door opened and Bryan came to my desk and asked to talk to me in his office. I was then terminated.

I'll leave the details out of this story as many who read this still work for the company that terminated me. I don't have any ill feelings toward the company and in the end I know that this was probably for the best as God has something else planned for me to do. (Mental note: When things aren't going as planned in a company, changes have to be made and sometimes you end up on the short end of the stick. Live and learn.) As a friend of mine likes to put it, "There was a differing of expectations between the company and myself." It hurts the pride, but I definately won't miss being extremely stressed and overworked.

*Names have been changed

Stay tuned for a wrap up to this story "Unemployed and On Drugs" ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This morning when I was pondering, yet again, over the events and changes of this last while a key word came to mind that hadn't shown up before but it explained a lot of why I'm still feeling unsettled by some things...the word was "loyalty" and I realized how important it is to me. Even though people need to move on to new adventures I truly believe that that shift can happen with respect and kindness, with a sense of loyalty to the dignity of the person, regardless of circumstance. Perhaps an idealistic perspective but the reality and idealism has clashed with certain behaviours and I realize that I am loyal to those who show up for the good of others, who are truly making the world a better, not just a wealthier, place.