Friday, September 16, 2005

The Dare - The Answer is Below

SPOILER! If you haven't read the story "The Dare", read it first and in the comments section let me know if it is Fact or Fiction. I'm posting the answer below.

"The Dare" story is....FACT. I know that will come as a shock to many of you because as people wrote in the comments section it is true that I won't eat sandwiches made by other people (unless I thoroughly inspect it and/or watch them make it) and I don't eat any condiments except BBQ sauce and salsa (if you consider that a condiment). I'm actually a very picky eater and don't like gross things. But this story is true and was actually told by my groomsman Nelson during the open mike at Shiela's and my wedding. He can attest to the fact that is was extremely gross and looking back now I can't believe I actually did it. And for only $2.00!!! What was I thinking! Oh well, it just goes to show how the dishpit can make a person do crazy things.

Keep checking back regularly for more life stories in the The Extraordinary Adventures of Sheldon Mathies - Fact or Fiction and forward on this blog address to anyone else you think may be interested. Thanks!

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